Monday 21 February 2011

Lloyds TSB Competition

Reached the Finals!!
By way of some miracle and pure chance i have managed to make it to the regional finals of the Art of Nurture competition for Lloyds TSB Finance!
I will be attending the judging event in March where my work will be displayed in an exhibition in Birmingham.  Keep your fingers crossed for me!!!

The Long Awaited Launch of My Website!!!

Finally Its Here!!
After 2 long years and endless bouts of procrastination, my website is finally finished and live!!  There are a few tweaks here and there to be made, but other than that i think its a job well done by my darling Mr Gilmore!!  
Lets hope this is the start of my career and that some work may come of it for me.....................and if that ever happens, i might even think about paying the lovely Mr Satchell for his brilliant web designing skills!!